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Some Assembly Required


Some assembly is the quirky autobiography of Arin Andrews and his journey of self discovery and realizing who he is and what body he belongs to. He teaches his friends and family acceptance and open-mindedness.

His story is full of awkwardness and cringe as he navigates from youth to adulthood, through heartbreaks and friendships.

Two books we considered amazing, charming, thrilling, or shocking. Definitely must-read books you should consider having in your life.

An Ember in the Ashes

Author: Sabaa Tahir 

Setting: Dystopian Ancient Rome 

Point of View: Laia and Elias, alternating POV

Overall Rating: 4.5/5

Summary: Long ago the Scholars were overtaken by the Martial Empire. Scholars must submit to all rule, or face death. Laia, a scholar girl, lives with her grandparents when one day the martials ransack her home. Her brother is taken to prison for treason, and Laia is determined to get him back. She reaches out to 'The Resistance' the only force willing to protect the scholars, and agrees to become a spy at the martial academy, where soldiers are trained to oppress the scholar people. There she meets Elias, a young martial soldier destined to become a leader as well. They develop feelings for each other and in the end must both fight their destinies to fight against their oppression. 

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